
With us, everyone has a clear view

A crew functions better as a whole when all members understand and agree on the goals they are aiming for and the methods being used. This also applies to our partners. Shared goals not only foster a sense of unity but also boost the motivation of everyone involved!

Every pirate always knows our current course!


Work and family? No problem

For us as CloudPirates, family-friendliness is not just about balancing work and family. Our home port is also a place where family is a welcome and integral part of our culture.

We live family!


Modern technology & modern thinking

The classic pirates were ahead of their time. Participation, democracy, and new ideas are part of a heritage that we, as CloudPirates, are eager to embrace. Working with modern technology not only requires the latest hardware but also an environment where new ideas can flourish and where we can boldly and collectively, as pirates with our partners, venture off the beaten path.

Here is the future!


Rigid work was yesterday

Pirates were always mobile and able to quickly adapt to new circumstances— and we continue that tradition. We work wherever and whenever we want, flexibly and freely. Whether on Tortuga or in our home port.

We can do unconventional!


Boredom? We don’t know it

Our crew members are passionate about what they do, every day. But even though we love what we do, it's important to us to occasionally step away from our desks and have some fun. This includes not just spontaneous Nerf gun battles or a round of DayZ, but also regular trips, office parties, and events that are always highlights.

Pirate life is fun!

On an equal footing

We are a crew

Our relationships with each other are built on equal footing through collaboration, mutual trust and support, commitment, and a shared vision. We always act with camaraderie, transparency, and value orientation. Differences of opinion and conflicts—internally as well as externally—are addressed openly and resolved without ill will.

Together we stand & together we go!


Pirates share their loot

We support and promote. We share creative ideas, insights, and best practices. We naturally share our extensive network with pirates and our partners. If we know someone who can help you, we’ll make an introduction.

We involve our pirates in all revenues.

Sharing is caring!


Lifelong learning

As a training company, we continuously train our crew. This is not only to offer our partners the best cloud-native solutions but also for personal growth. All crew members can take time whenever needed for regular learning.

Knowledge is power!


Short-lived trends are not our thing

As CloudPirates, we are focused on long-term success. This clearly takes precedence over maximizing short-term results. We place special emphasis on initiative and the ability to find and implement solutions, as these factors are essential for preparing ourselves for the future.

For us CloudPirates, sustainability also means active social responsibility. We share responsibility for the development of our social environment—supporting local organizations is a serious commitment for us.

We look towards tomorrow!


A crew is only as good as its members

Pirates are always risk-taking and brave. But we are also supportive and look out for each other. If someone is not feeling well, they stay below deck and receive the help they need from us.

This is the only way we can and want to ensure that we can always give our best with the wind at our backs for ourselves and our partners.

Practical solidarity!